DNR Capital is committed to a program of continual improvement in delivery of our services. Please contact us if you would like to share feedback about your experience with us.
Postal DNR AFSL Pty Limited
GPO Box 3263
Brisbane QLD 4001
Phone 07 3229 5531
Email [email protected]
Making a complaint
Problem resolution is a priority for us. DNR Capital understands that there are occasions where we may not meet your expectations. Please contact us if you are dissatisfied with our products or service for any reason. If you are not satisfied that your complaint has been resolved, please contact our Dispute Resolutions Officer directly.
Postal Dispute Resolutions Officer
GPO Box 3263
Brisbane QLD 4001
Phone 07 3229 5531
Email [email protected]
We will endeavour to resolve all complaints promptly and fairly. If you remain dissatisfied you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). DNR AFSL Pty Ltd is a member of AFCA which is an independent private complaints body funded by its corporate members. You can contact AFCA at:
Postal Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone 1800 931 678
Website www.afca.org.au
The Australian Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC) website www.asic.gov.au contains useful information for clients regarding Financial Services and your rights. There is a complaint form available on the website if you wish to lodge a complaint with ASIC and also a telephone number 1300 300 630.