Australian Emerging Companies Strategy

The Australian Emerging Companies Strategy is an actively managed strategy that offers investors exposure to a concentrated portfolio of high quality, small cap Australian listed equities.

How to invest

Investments in the Australian Emerging Companies Strategy can be made via the Managed Fund.

Benchmark: S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Total Return Index

14.99% p.a.* outperformance since inception

Small cap

Capital growth from smaller companies

20-45 stocks

Inception date - December 2017

*Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. No allowance has been made for taxation and fees are not taken into account.

Investment strategy

The Australian Emerging Companies Portfolio offers investors exposure to a long-term, concentrated portfolio of high quality, small cap Australian listed equities.

The small cap sector is a more inefficient part of the market, providing significant opportunities to add value utilising our detailed bottom-up investment philosophy.

The Portfolio adopts DNR Capital’s investment philosophy, owning small-cap, quality companies. We define quality companies as those with earnings strength, superior industry position, sound balance sheet, strong management and ESG risk assessment. Our assessment of a company’s quality is overlaid with a detailed valuation assessment where we are seeking to exploit mispriced, market inefficiencies.

The Portfolio is long-only, “style neutral” and invests over a five year period.

Portfolio performance

Return on $100,000 invested at inception

Download performance report
%%%%% p.a.% p.a.% p.a.
DNR Capital Australian Emerging Companies Strategy5.80%10.30%21.07%39.16%17.17%20.39%19.97%
S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Total Return Index4.59%2.70%6.57%12.32%3.10%4.25%4.98%
Excess return1.21%7.60%14.50%26.84%14.07%16.14%14.99%

*inception date - December 2017

*Past performance is not an indication of future performance. No allowance has been made for taxation and fees are not taken into account.

Our Portfolio Managers

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Sam Twidale
Sam Twidale

Portfolio Manager

Mark Sedawie
Mark Sedawie

Portfolio Manager

Our investment strategies

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Australian Equities Income Strategy

This strategy delivers exposure to higher levels of tax effective income and capital growth by investing in a concentrated portfolio of large cap companies.