This International Women’s Day, at DNR Capital, we’re doing our part to #breakthebias and celebrate women’s achievements by chatting to our ESG Investment Analyst, Natasha McKean to learn more about her inspirations and experience working in male dominated industries.

Name a female that inspires you, and why?

Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Whilst she might seem like an obvious choice for the topic at hand, International Women’s Day, my admiration goes beyond her work as a trailblazer for women’s rights. She worked hard, was respected and promoted on merit, and was humble and understated in her success. All the while, raising her young family – she truly was an amazing woman.

What’s the best piece of advice you would give young people about women’s equality?

Don’t be inhibited by gender and be confident in your contribution to the team.

What, if any, challenges have you faced working in a male-dominated industry?

I have always worked in male dominated industries, from being a female engineer on a Bass Strait oil rig, to the drill and blast engineer at an open cut coal mine, then swapping my hard hat and steel cap boots for a three piece suit as an M&A Analyst for a US Investment Bank. I guess you could say I don’t know anything different! I was brought up to give everything a go, and have never been daunted by gender, although I have to admit it was a little unnerving requesting radio silence across a mine site of men before detonating a blast!

Do you have a favourite quote/saying?

Perhaps not so much a quote or saying but more a mantra, “Give it a go”.

Oh, and I do like RGB’s quote “Women will have achieved true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation.”